The following information applies to all Wroclaw University of Science and Technology students (international students as well, except of student studying on our University as part of student exchange programs).
We kindly inform you that on May 12th 2017 you will receive application forms for places in students’ dorms of Wrocław University of Science and Technology in academic year 2017/2018. Application forms should be printed from Edukacja.CL, signed and then submitted to the Department of Social and Student Aid (C-13, room 1.01) together with additional documentation (for example documents concerning incomes). Application deadline is 8 June 2017 at 12:00 (deadline for submitting application forms to the Department).

If you need tips how to applicate in Edukacja.CL check please document from link (look for yellow-white clouds).
The principles of evaluation’s points of the student’s situation as well as other documents related to the rules of living in student dorms of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology are available at
Students of the last year (regardless of degree) who currently reside in student dorm do not apply for a place at a student hall. They have the right to stay in dorm to the date of the diploma examination, but no later than 15th of July.
Terms of accepting and processing the application of students attending for last year of education are to attach a certificate from the dean’s office to continue their studies in the winter semester 2017/2018.
Those students who have a disability certificate saying that they, due to their state of health, should reside in a single room (including those requiring residence with guardian) must attach a letter to the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs requesting for the allocation of the room, along with a justification for self-Residence (residence with a guardian) and documentation confirming the arguments mentioned in the letter (for example a photocopy of a decision concerning degree of disability). These applications will first be considered for the allocation of the usual student’s home promise (June 2017 results), and then the Vice Rector’s for Students Affairs reserve will be considered for the allocation to a single room (September 2017 results).
We would like to remind you that points for continuation of residence are available to those who reside in one of our students’ dorms at the time of making application.
Students with social scholarship at the time of making application receive points for the material situation, without having to attach additional documents. Students wishing to receive financial status points and who do not collect money at the WUsT at the time of submitting the application for a social scholarship should attach to the application a set of documents required for by the rules of material aid for students of the WUsT.
Married students or students with children can applicate for room in dormitory for marriages (DST-9). To be considered this application must be provide with: 1) a photocopy of a copy of the marriage certificate / certificate of the planned date of marriage (no later than 30 September) and / or 2) a photocopy of a copy of the birth certificate / A pregnancy card and / or 3) a spouse’s education certificate. Applications without the documents listed in point 1 and / or 2 will not be considered.


The results of the distribution of rooms will be announced by June 16, 2017. Detailed information about the results (for example information about the assigned student dorm) will be available in Edukacja.CL (in detail).
WARNING!!! Information on, among others, the deposit, the terms of the accommodation or even the loss of the place in dormitory will be sent to student mail (, so we encourage you to check regularly the received messages.
Information about the placement of candidates for studies will be announced at a later date (after announcement of results and recruitment).


Because of renovation of building DST-3 and DST-17, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in cooperation with Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science will assign our students to dormitories of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science („D-UP” on the list in Edukacja.CL).We will divide

40 places (both gender) in dormitory Arka (ul. Olszewskiego 25)

30 places for male in dormitory Centaur (ul. Grunwaldzka 65)

20 places for female in dormitory Talizman (ul. Grunwaldzka 63)

60 places for male in dormitory Labirynt (ul. Sopocka 23)

50 places for male in dormitory Zodiak (ul. Grunwaldzka 106)


Students assign to one of dormitories from list above will get more specifics via email in June.

You can find more information about Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science dormitories at their webpage

If you have any question write e-mail to Mr. Jarosław Dudek ( Remember to use your student e-mail account ( E-mails from other mailboxes will not be answered.
Zespół Działu Pomocy Socjalnej dla Studentów i Doktorantów